Joint Loss Management Committee's (JLMC) Mission Statement: To ensure workplace safety and wellness.
The purpose of the JLMC is to bring workers and management together in a non-adversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in our workplace by making recommendations for change, as needed.
Joint Loss Management Plan
The Manchester School District is dedicated to fostering effective learning and teaching within a safe, secure, and welcoming environment, rejecting all forms of violence on our school property. This dedication extends to students and staff, ensuring a safe educational setting. The purpose of this plan aligns with Lab 603, aiming to provide training, education, investigation, and prevention protocols for all staff to minimize violent acts and injuries caused by students. The comprehensive plan includes a District-wide Crisis Prevention and Response Plan and site-specific Emergency Response Plans for each school, as outlined in Board policy Safety 100.1, reflecting the Board's recognition that safety is integral to the instructional programming at varying grade levels.
The purpose of the JLMC is to carry out the purpose of RSA 281-A: 64, a joint loss management committee is to bring workers and management together in a non-adversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in each workplace. A joint loss management committee assists the employer and makes recommendations for change.
March 6, 2024
May 1, 2024
Committee Members:
Michelle Evans - Director, Human Resources, Manchester School District
Nicole Doherty - Assistant Superintendent Teaching, Leading, and Learning, Manchester School District
Shauna Gagnon - Teacher, Parkside Middle School
Sue Hannan - Teacher on Special Assignment (Professional Development)
Brenda McMahon - ParaEducator, Jewett Street School
Lori White - Food Service, McLaughlin Middle School
Shawn Baskersville - Principal Weston School
Kathy Carlson - Guidance Counselor, Hillside Middle School
Tara Haarlander - Teacher Manchester School of Technology (MST)
Rebecca Domin - Teacher Webster Elementary School
Janet Scarfile - School Nursing Manchester School District