Dice are a great way to improve math fluency!

 Fluency in Mathematics 

Why math fluency?

Fluency and determining the reasonableness of answers serves us throughout our whole lives!  When we are armed with a diverse set of strategies, we can be successful in math class AND in the real world.  Limited or no access to fluency disadvantages children.   

Ways to support math fluency at home!

*Play board games and card games!  

Playing games helps with subitizing, one-to-one correspondence, addition and subtraction, comparing numbers, turn taking, strategy, and so much more!

*Practice mental math - the standard algorithm is not the method of choice in our day to day lives.  Mental math is often the method of choice!  At home you can practice ways to make 10 and composing & decomposing numbers. 

*Work conceptually.  Children need many opportunities to become grounded in conceptual understanding of math concepts.  Pasta, beans, Legos, etc. can all be used as counters.  The more children can get their hands on math, the more likely they’ll be able to apply concepts to abstract thinking.